2025 city council members

Your Local Connection

Cuyahoga Falls City Council Meetings are held on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. 

Members of the public wishing to submit a public comment to Council may do so by submitting their comments to the following email address: publiccomment@cityofcf.com or via regular mail at 2310 Second Street, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221, Attention: Council. Comments received at least twelve (12) hours before the Council meeting will be reviewed by the President of Council and read into the record or referred to the appropriate Committee or ward Council member. Please do not hesitate to contact your council representatives by using the Your Council & Contacts Link on this page.

Government can be seen as a distant body, but in Cuyahoga Falls, it is just one call or click away. Call or email your councilperson; one more local connection to help address your needs.

About City Council

City Council consists of three at-large seats that represent the entirety of Cuyahoga Falls and eight additional members that represent their wards. Voters elect their ward councilmembers every two years, and their at-large representatives every four years during odd-year elections.

Duties of Council

Councilmembers are the first line of communication for residents to voice their opinion, report concerns, and ask questions about their neighborhood or the community at-large. Council is responsible for and are required to listen to the citizens who elect them. Here in Cuyahoga Falls, specific tasks are:

  • Communicating policies and programs to residents
  • Passing ordinances and resolutions
  • Representing the community
  • Responding  to constituent needs and complaints
  • Reviewing and approve the annual budget

Additionally, council and the administration work hand-in-hand with the community for the betterment of all.

Learn more details in the Council Rules.

Committees & Board Representation

Council members are appointed to committees by the President of Council. The sub-committees within Cuyahoga Falls City Council provide an opportunity for a few members of council to thoroughly consider items of business and then make recommendations towards action to the full body. This allows citizens to participate in specific matters of interest.

There is a wide variety of boards and commissions that work to conduct the city’s business. Councilmembers are also assigned to several of these groups to represent their constituents’ voices on the varying and important topics.

Visit Council Committees & Appointments to learn about council assignments. For information on upcoming meetings, visit the city calendar.

Clerk of Council

The clerk aids city council and works with the members to execute their duties at council meetings, including reading legislation, accounting for votes, processing meeting minutes, and posting meeting notices. Council elects its own clerk every two years.