In 1888, city council passed a resolution authorizing the Falls Edison Electric Light & Power Co. the right to erect pole lines for the purpose of supplying electric street lighting, and thus, the Cuyahoga Falls Light Department was formed.
Today, the electric division collaborates its power production with American Municipal Power, and utilizes hydroelectric, wind, and combustion sources to create enough energy that meets the city's residential and commercial amperage needs.
The Cuyahoga Falls Electric Department is open from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding major holidays. The Electric Dispatch Office (330-971-8050) lines are open from 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
For billing questions or for new customers to the Cuyahoga Falls Electric System needing service hook-up, contact the Utility Billing Department in person at 2310 Second Street or by phone at (330) 971-8250 during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding major holidays. In-person hours extend to 5:00 p.m. on those same days.
Online Utility Billing info can be found at the following link: Utility Billing Department
Outage Info
Street Light Outages and Other Non-Emergency Concerns
In the event of a street light outage or other non-emergency concerns, please do one of the following:
- Call the Electric Department at (330) 971-8050 during normal business hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding major holidays
- Email the Electric Department at
- Click the following link: report street light problems online
Power Outages and Other Emergency Concerns
If there is a power outage or other emergency, please call the Electric Dispatcher at (330) 971-8050.
Emergency troubleshooting is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
For Non-Emergency concerns, see the section above on 'Street Light Outages and other Non-Emergency Concerns".
Cuyahoga Falls boasts some of the best electric rates in the area.
Disconnection of Services
To stop electric service, please call the Utility Billing Department at (330) 971-8250.
Energy Efficiency Programs for Residents & Businesses
The Energy Efficiency Program was designed for Cuyahoga Falls Electric System customers in 2014. The New Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program, Home Energy Audit, and Energy Efficiency Kits are available for residents.
Larger commercial and industrial customers of the Cuyahoga Falls Electric System may take part in the cost-saving Commercial & Indstrial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program (CIEEP) while smaller commercial customers with annual electrical usages of less than 250,000 kWh are invited to apply for rebates on proposed energy efficiency projects through the Small Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program (SCEEP).
Consumer's Guide to Rooftop Solar
Residential Energy AUDITS: Your Personal Energy Profile
Free Energy Audits: Simple web-based tools that provide energy efficiency assessments for consumers wishing to manage their energy consumption.ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS FOR RESIDENTS & BUSINESSES
By law, everyone MUST contact the Ohio Utilities Protection Service, 8-1-1 or 1-800-362-2764, at least 48 hours but no more than 10 working days (excluding weekends and legal holidays) before beginning ANY digging project.
Cuyahoga Falls Electric Department is a member of the OHIO UTILITIES PROTECTION SERVICE (OUPS).
IF YOU HAVE HIRED AN EXCAVATOR TO DO WORK ON YOUR PROPERTY, PLEASE DO NOT CONTINUE. By law it is the responsibility of the excavator to submit the notification.
For more information, please refer to Ohio Revised Code 3781.25 (K) if you have any questions or need clarification.
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Since 2001, the City of Cuyahoga Falls has been awarded the Tree Line USA certification. This national program recognizes public utilities for practices that protect and enhance our urban forests while delivering safe and reliable electricity.
Power outages can occur as a result of vegetation that interferes with power lines. Cuyahoga Falls Electric Services works hard at keeping trees properly trimmed to reduce the chances of damage to our lines. All trimming is done by contractors who follow standard practices as set by the Tree Care Industry Association.
Residents who have trees that have grown into or find branches laying on power lines can contact us at 330-971-8050 for assistance. Keeping our power lines clear helps to keep your power on!
The Cuyahoga Falls Electric System has earned a Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) designation from the American Public Power Association for providing reliable and safe electric service.