Mayor Walters is pleased to announce that the City of Cuyahoga Falls is participating in Ohio Checkbook, an effort to make city finances more accessible and searchable for residents. At a press conference held on Wednesday, December 30, 2015, he joined State Treasurer Josh Mandel, City of Barberton Mayor Bill Judge and City of Tallmadge Finance Director Molly Gilbride, as they jointly announced that the public may now view city financials on

The State Treasurer’s office offers this service at no expense to local governments.  Cuyahoga Falls’ online checkbook includes over 15,000 individual transactions that represent more than $59 million of total spending over fiscal year 2015. The financials will be updated at the close of every month.

“The City of Cuyahoga Falls is happy to participate in the Ohio Online Checkbook,” said Mayor Don Walters. “Since becoming Mayor, I have pledged a renewed sense of openness and honesty in everything that we do, and this is just another example of our willingness to provide transparency and accessibility to the citizens that we serve.”

“I believe the people of Summit County have a right to know how their tax money is being spent, and I applaud local leaders here for partnering with my office to post the finances on,” said Treasurer Mandel.  “By posting local government spending online, we are empowering taxpayers across Ohio to hold public officials accountable.”

“Since becoming Finance Director, the city’s checkbook has been open to the public and the Ohio Online Checkbook provides another avenue for the citizens to obtain financial information,” stated Finance Director Bryan Hoffman. “I am happy to be able to provide the information in this user friendly way.” 

For questions or additional information, please contact Finance Director Bryan Hoffman at 330.971.8230 or