Mayor Don Walters

Cuyahoga Falls belongs to every resident within its boundaries and is made stronger by those who are active in their neighborhoods and communicate with their governmental leaders.

First Tuesday provides a forum for face-to-face discussions on the many subjects that affect our city. Mayor Walters welcomes these conversations which he uses to inform his decisions that positively affect the greater community.

Every resident, business leader, and community member is invited to make an appointment for a First Tuesday visit with Mayor Walters at his office in City Hall.

Schedule an Appointment

Meetings are scheduled in half-hour increments between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday of every month. Appointments must be made in advance by calling the mayor's office at (330) 971-8200.


Cuyahoga Falls City Hall, Second Floor, 2310 Second Street, Cuyahoga Falls

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