Internet Exchange Sign

Those looking for a safe place to exchange an item bought or sold online may utilize the Cuyahoga Falls Internet Purchase Exchange Location.

The location is open 24 hours a day, has video and audio surveillance, and a police officer in the vicinity.

Sale of items such as weapons, alcohol, drugs, vehicles, boats, and other large equipment are not permitted in the safe zone.


Cuyahoga Falls Police Department Lobby, 2310 Second Street (North side of building)

The Police department lobby is located off the parking lot on the Oakwood Drive side of City Hall.


Appointments are not necessary.

If wary about an upcoming exchange, call the non-emergency number at (330) 928-2181 prior to the transaction.

Safety Tip

If for some reason you are unable to use the Internet Purchase Exchange Location, do not give out your address and do not visit the home of a stranger.