The City of Cuyahoga Falls has recently joined Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (NOPEC) for gas aggregation purposes and a new rate has been secured. NOPEC is the largest governmental public retail energy aggregation in Ohio. NOPEC is authorized by voters through ballot initiatives and currently serves over 200 communities in fourteen counties. NOPEC negotiates on behalf of their members with gas suppliers to find favorable rates and terms for the consumer.  

The offer, available from NOPEC’s chosen supplier, NextEra Energy Services Ohio, LLC (“Supplier”), is exclusively for eligible customers in participating NOPEC communities served by Dominion Energy Ohio. Eligible accounts are automatically included in the NOPEC natural gas program unless they opt-out of the aggregation by notifying NOPEC. The service is estimated to begin with your January 2022 meter read date and will continue through your June 2023 meter read date. This is an estimate only and will depend upon your meter read cycle and when your local utility accepts your enrollment. Please note that initial rates vary based on enrollment dates and may differ from the current NOPEC rate.


Customers have the following two options, both of which can be canceled at any time with no penalty.

  1. Prices may vary and change at any time, but not more than once in a 30 day period. Prices are typically updated on or around the 13th day of the month. Supplier and NOPEC will determine this price based on various factors including, without limitation, competitor’s prices, applicable industry charges, wholesale market conditions and natural gas supply sources. By choosing Option 1, new customers need to take no action. Customers may receive a letter from the gas utility confirming enrollment in NOPEC’s governmental aggregation program.
  2. Customers can also choose a monthly variable price option. Under this option, the price will be $0.02/Mcf less than the monthly utility Standard Choice Offer. Enrollment in this option is limited. Details can be found in the Terms and Conditions that accompany the letter that was mailed to customers on or around November 10, 2021. To participate under this option customers must call 1-855-NOPEC-01 (1-855-667-3201).  Offer subject to availability.

Under the terms of the Aggregation Program, eligible residential and small commercial customers will be included in the purchasing group automatically unless they elect to opt-out of the Program This includes those currently enrolled in the program and those currently on Dominion’s SCO program. NOPEC sent information to all eligible customers on or around November 10, 2021.

  • For current participants in the City’s gas program:
    Participants will continue to be enrolled in the new program. This is an opt-out program. Letters will be mailed from NOPEC to each customer explaining the program. Participants will have the option to terminate at any time without cancellation fees.
  • For Dominion East Ohio customers paying the SCO rate:
    Dominion customers will be automatically moved into the City’s program. This is an opt-out program, providing each customer with the opportunity to opt-out. Letters will be mailed from NOPEC to each customer explaining the program and options. If you choose not to participate, contact NOPEC to opt-out.
  • For customers that are on another CHOICE program with a different supplier:
    You will not receive a letter.  You may call NOPEC to join, but review your current contract first for any possible penalties for early termination.

If you have any additional questions regarding the City of Cuyahoga Falls Natural Gas Aggregation Program, contact 1-855-NOPEC-01 (1-855-667-3201).

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