
Residential Tax Incentive Program is an incentive program in which Cuyahoga Falls homeowners who reside within the Cuyahoga River Community Reinvestment Area (CRA), can apply for real property tax abatements.

Home improvements valued in excess of $10,000 will be considered. Additionally, homeowners who construct new homes in the district in which the building value exceeds $125,000, excluding land, can also apply for the same abatement.

The increased real property taxes, excluding land value, can be abated for a maximum of seven (7) years and by up to 75%. If improvements are made to a home determined to be historic, then the abatement can be 100% for a seven (7) year period.

Please review the Cuyahoga River Community Reinvestment Area Map to see if your home may be eligible for the Residential Tax Incentive Program.

For further information please contact the Community Development department at (330) 971-8135.